Council is developing a 10 year Urban Tree Strategy for trees on Council land, and we’d love your input!
It’s important for us when creating a strategy that we consider how we can best manage our street trees and develop an appropriate greenscape that suits Glenorchy into the future.
This summer, take a moment to look around so you can tell us about your favourite trees, in our streets, playgrounds, parks and reserves. Do you think we have enough trees? Too many? What do you like or not like about them?

Using the interactive features on our engagement platform, you can drag and drop a pin to show us your favourite tree, where you might like to see more trees or what we should consider for managing trees long term in our community. Register to take survey or use the many simple tools, like our quick polls, to leave your feedback.
Let’s talk, Glenorchy is a new engagement platform with plenty of tools to help you have your say, big or small on topics that interest you.
So, head to this link to have your say!