The Glenorchy City Council will build two significant pieces of community infrastructure should its submission to the Federal Budget be successful.
Glenorchy Mayor Bec Thomas said the council had requested support in the Budget for both the Glenorchy War Memorial Pool and the Tolosa Park Master Plan.
“Both these projects would provide a massive boost for our community infrastructure.
“They support people in our community to be active and engaged. They provide spaces for residents and families to congregate and enjoy recreational opportunities. Overall, they add to the live-ability of our city for decades to come.”
Ald. Thomas said like many post-World War II memorial pools constructed around the country, Glenorchy’s was in need of a significant upgrade.
“The pool simply doesn’t meet contemporary standards as a leisure facility. Its age and condition also mean that it is expensive to maintain.
“The pool and the site need a redevelopment to create year-round indoor access with multiple pools of different depths and water temperatures, along with food and beverage amenities and health and fitness facilities.
“In addition to that, the pool needs to be relined, with new change rooms, grandstand and heating system.”
Ald. Thomas said the Tolosa Park Master Plan would allow the creation of a recreational and entertainment space that formerly housed the decommissioned Tolosa Dam.
“While decommissioning is occurring, we need to be planning the next stage of the area’s transformation.
“This site lends itself to a rare opportunity to create an outdoor recreational space catering for every single age group and develop an iconic park right in the heart of the municipality.”
Ald. Thomas said the council had requested the Federal Government allocate $39 million to achieving the two projects, with $26 million earmarked for the pool redevelopment and $13 million for Tolosa Park.
“The council has written to Federal Treasurer Jim Chalmers about both these projects, and we look forward to the Government considering them for funding in the Budget process,” she said.