Council Meeting News May 2024

Glenorchy City Council held its fifth meeting for 2024 on Monday 27 May. 8 Elected Members were present. 

Highlights from the meeting include:

Announcements by the Chair – Council Condemns Race-Based Violence

Following a recent spate of violent attacks on Glenorchy residents, the Acting Mayor expressed the Council’s collective view that violence has no place in our City. Each Elected Member then expressed their personal sentiments, including support for the Australian Human Rights Commission’s Racism: It Stops With Me campaign.

Trial of Open Public Council Workshop Sessions

Council approved a trial of holding open Council Workshops sessions once a month for a maximum of six months. At or before the end of six months, the trial will be reviewed. Further details on Public Council Workshops will be advertised shortly.

Safer Communities Working Group

Council appointed Alderman Dunsby and Alderman Slade to the Safer Communities Working Group. The Safer Communities Working Group terms of reference are to consult with the community and subject matter experts regarding issues of crime and safety in the Glenorchy area.

Climate Change Plan

Council endorsed the Glenorchy City Council Climate Change Adaptation Plan, which was prepared with the support of the Regional Climate Change Initiative (RCCI). Council understands the importance of acting on climate change and sustainability, and recognises that the primary action it can take is to reduce its own greenhouse gas emissions, which this Plan supports.

Fees & Charges

Council endorsed fees and charges for 2024/25, including waste management fees. All fees charged by council aim to balance the cost of delivering services with the community benefits those services provide. In some cases, fees also serve an additional purpose. For example waste management fees are set to ensure that Council can provide a cost effective, high-quality service, and also encourage and incentivise separation of waste and extend the life of Council’s landfill.

Capital Work Status Report

Council received its works status update report which summarised the progress of the capital works program to date. Council’s Capital Works program for this year has an annual budget of $32.686 million with the major grant funded projects making up close to half of the program. At the end of April, a total of $17.794 million has been spent on the overall capital works program.

Business Updates

Monthly financial performance updates for April were also provided which keep Council up to date with regular high level financial information.

You can view the full agenda and minutes on Council’s website, via this link