Council Meeting News June 2024

Glenorchy City Council held a Special Council Meeting on Monday 17 June. 8 Elected Members were present. 

Highlights from the meeting include:

Glenorchy City Council 2024/24 Budget Estimates

Council adopted its 2024/25 Budget Estimates 2024/25, Long-Term Financial Management Plan 2024/25 to 2033/34, and Rates & Charges 2024/25. Council has developed its 2024/25 Budget with an understanding of the cost of living pressures people are facing.  The Budget has been designed to keep rates as low as possible while providing the services our community deserves.

The 2024/25 Budget seeks to balance financial sustainability and strategic plan objectives including:​​​

  • Ensuring there is sufficient cash to service operations within the Tasmanian Audit Office published range of 3 to 6 months​​​
  • Planning for a return to surplus in the 2025/26 budget year​​​
  • Providing enhanced services in line with community expectations and the strategic plan​​​
  • Completing grant funded major capital works projects by 30 June 2025​​

Key features of the proposed 2024/25 operating budget estimates are:

  • Operating Deficit $0.227 million
  • Underlying Operating Deficit $2.302 million
  • Rate Revenue $45.529 million
  • Operating Revenue $77.715 million
  • Operating Expenditure $77.942 million
  • Depreciation and Amortisation $16.282 million
  • Asset Write-off and Disposal $1.700 million
  • Capital Expenditure $26.9 million
  • Cash Balance at 30 June 2025 $29.6 million
  • No new borrowings

This year’s average general rate increase has been set at 5.95%. This increase means, on average, Glenorchy will continue to have some of the lowest rates per property of equivalent Local Government Areas in the state. The increase is also lower than other councils in the Greater Hobart Area.

It is municipal revaluation year and therefore the Valuer-General has revalued all properties in the City.

For those doing it tough, Council’s Financial Hardship Policy continues to apply.

Glenorchy City Council 2024/24 Capital Works Program and Budget

Council approved a $26.9 million Capital Works program for the 2024/25 financial year.

Council is fully funding its renewal demand in transport, stormwater and property assets. This ensures that the level of service provided to the community by our roads, footpaths, drainage, community buildings and recreation facilities is maintained.

Capital projects highlights for 2024/25 include:

  • $26.9 million in capital works
  • Resurfacing more than 7km of roads
  • Replacing more than 4km of footpaths
  • Black spot projects at Grove Rd and Anfield St, Main Rd at Austins Ferry and Kensington St school crossing
  • $1.1 million on flood mitigation works
  • $1 million for parks and reserves, including the Claremont pump track
  • $450,000 for tracks and trails at Windermere Bay
  • Continuation of work to repair and reopen the Glenorchy War Memorial Pool

Glenorchy City Council 2024/24 – 2027/8 Annual Plan

Council adopted its Annual Plan for 2024/5-2027-8. The Annual Plan aligns with Council’s Strategic Plan 2023-2032 and identifies actions that Council will undertake over the next four years to deliver on the community’s goals and vision.

This is the second Annual Plan linked to this Strategic Plan. This Annual Plan maintains Council’s commitment to building facilities and providing services that the community wants. The new program will build on the progress made in 2023/24 and will continue to put the community at the heart of Council’s growth.

Key Focus areas for 2024/25

The 10 key focus areas for 2024/25 incorporated into the Annual Plan are:

  1. Commence the project to repair and reopen the Glenorchy War Memorial Pool
  2. Actively pursue external grant funding to support and deliver on strategic priority projects including Tolosa Park Stage B and the Glenorchy War Memorial Pool
  3. Increase Council’s tracks and trails network through the Berriedale-Windermere Foreshore Project
  4. Complete the delivery of the federally funded sport and recreation projects at KGV Football Park and North Chigwell Junior Soccer Club
  5. Redevelop the Claremont Pump Track and Skate ramp
  6. Extend the Jackson Street landfill cell to increase Council’s waste management capacity
  7. Deliver programs to improve opportunities for our young people
  8. Partner with government and community organisations to deliver programs that improve community safety and inclusion
  9. Research and recommend an improved approach to tackle graffiti in our City
  10. Support increased housing supply in the City through land release, proactive planning and advocacy

Council and community can keep up to date with how the 2024/25 Annual Planning is tracking each quarter through our Quarterly Report.

You can view the full agenda and minutes on Council’s website, via this link