More CCTV on the way

Glenorchy City Council remains committed to safety in our communities, with new infrastructure funded for our central business districts (CBD).

New CCTV cameras have been and continue to be installed across the city, to help curb antisocial behaviour and assist Police with their investigations.

There are currently 41 street cameras in the Glenorchy CBD, plus another 14 cameras covering Council Chambers on Main Road, Glenorchy. A further eight cameras cover the Moonah CBD.

Three, 360 degree fisheye cameras are installed at Wilkinson’s Point Pavilion. In the past, these cameras were instrumental in prosecuting vandals who had smashed rose glass panelling at the pavilion.

Cameras have also been installed at Benjafield Park and Giblins Reserve to help curb vandalism in the area, particularly in the local public toilets.

Council is now working on a new agreement with Tasmania Police, to share the data from Council’s cameras with the Glenorchy Police Station.

Mayor Sue Hickey says ultimately, these cameras are about public safety.

“This is a small part of the work Council is doing to increase safety across the city” she said.

“Council remains fully committed to providing and supporting a safe and welcoming community.

“However, CCTV cameras are just one way to help keep us all safe.  I encourage members of the public to report any anti-social or criminal behaviour to the police if they see it happening.”

If you see someone defacing public property, please call the Police Assistance Line on 131 444. This line is open 24 hours per day, 7 days a week. If it’s an emergency, please dial triple zero (000).

If you have information regarding any anti-social behaviour, including harassment, vandalism, or shopkeeper abuse, please call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000. You can remain anonymous.