New anti-graffiti wraps brightening our streets

Glenorchy City Council is taking a proactive approach to tacking graffiti through a new project to create artwork on traffic signal boxes throughout the Glenorchy CBD.

Glenorchy Mayor Sue Hickey said that one of Council’s priority actions for this financial year is to research and recommend an improved approach to tackle graffiti in the City.

“We have heard very clearly that people are concerned about graffiti,” she said.

“We know that traffic signal boxes are a target for tagging, and we hope that this project is yet another way that we can enhance the look of our public spaces so that everyone can be proud of our City.”

Council is trialling a designed plastic wrap for the signal boxes, with the print laminated in anti-graffiti film to protect it from vandalism.

The artwork incorporates the fault reporting phone number into the graphics.

Mayor Hickey said that the first piece of artwork has been installed outside the Glenorchy Jobs Hub, and the trial will continue with more signal boxes throughout the Glenorchy CBD.

“If the trial is a success, we hope to be able to expand a range of designs to the infrastructure boxes throughout the City,” she said.

“In the future, we also hope to be able to explore ways to involve young people and community groups with the design of artwork for the signal boxes.”

The project works in conjunction with Council’s Graffiti Management Plan, with Mayor Hickey saying that Council continues to work proactively and to customer requests to remove graffiti on Council owned assets, as well as work with owners and occupiers of private property to encourage prompt removal of graffiti.