The Glenorchy City Council is progressing a short-term option for the operation of the Golden Years Club building on Main Rd, Glenorchy after the club notified Council it did not intend to extend its lease beyond this year.
Glenorchy Mayor Sue Hickey said the club had informed Council it would be ceasing its activities, meaning the building would become vacant.
“It is disappointing the Golden Years Club will not be continuing beyond 2024. As a club, it has provided a range of services to older members of our community for a long time,” she said.
Mayor Hickey said the club advised Council it made the decision to close due to falling numbers of members and participants in the club’s activities, as well as a number of committee members signalling their desire to step down at year’s end.
She said she understood members were advised the club would cease operations on 17 December.
“Unfortunately, like many community-based clubs, finding sufficient members to make activities viable as well as committee members with the right skills and time to ensure activities are run properly and cost-effectively is challenging.
“On behalf of Council, I congratulate all those people who have played a role in maintaining the Golden Years Club in Glenorchy for all these years, and I am pleased the Glenorchy City Council has been able to support the club,” she said.
Mayor Hickey said Council charged discounted rent to the club and had offered to reduce it further in response to the club’s membership challenges, but this offer was not taken up.
Mayor Hickey said that Council was keen to maintain as many community services as possible despite the closure of the Golden Years Club so commenced discussions with potential lessees immediately.
“It has been pleasing to see that there are interested parties willing to take over the lease,” she said.
“A longer-term option will require a strategic review, however in the short-term we are advancing conversations with St Vincent de Paul with the potential to use the space to run one of its Programs in Glenorchy until their Mill Lane development is completed in 2025.
“Pleasingly, during this time all the groups currently hiring the facility can continue to do so, providing valuable services and events for the community,” she said.