Glenorchy City Council held its twelfth Ordinary Council Meeting for 2024 on Monday 16 December. 8 Elected Members were present. Highlights from the meeting include:
Announcements by the Chair
The Mayor provided several updates on important issues to the Council and community, including:
Welcome Alderman Tim Marks
Following the sad passing of Alderman Jan Dunsby, Tim Marks was elected to Council on count back. Alderman Marks has been participating in Council workshops and events since his election on 2 December 2024, but this is his first Council Meeting.
Pool update
Council has now received the signed grant deed from Government along with the first installment of the grant. Council is ready to release the tender documents early in the new year.
The final business case has been received from MI Global and is now available on Council’s website. Lobbying of the Federal Government has begun ahead of next election.
Tolosa Park Handover
Following the $6.2 million redevelopment of the old dam site, TasWater have officially handed over Tolosa Park to Council. Council is continuing to work on the site to make sure the trees and grasses are well established before the fences come down and it is open for public use.
Council is now lobbying government for money to fund Stage 2 of the development that will include:
- a destination play area catering to all ages and abilities
- BBQ shelters, drink fountains and accessible toilets
- native landscaping, irrigation systems and footbridges over the wetlands and ponds
- a full-sized multi-use games arena and pump track
- partial realignment of the criterium track and car park extension.
Golden Years Club
Due to falling numbers and participants in the clubs’ activities the Golden Years Club will cease operations on 17 December 2024.
Council understands the valuable services that are run out of the building and is working with a number of interested parties to make sure those services continue.
Natural Areas volunteers recognised
On Sunday 15 December 2024, over 50 volunteers were recognised for the valuable work they do in looking after Council’s natural areas. Council hosted a Brazilian style BBQ and awards ceremony to celebrate this year’s successes and the great work achieved by our volunteers in keeping our city looking so great.
TasWater ‘Be a refiller, not landfiller’ project launch
On 18 December 2024, Council will join TasWater to launch the installation of water refilling stations in Glenorchy. Glenorchy will be the first local government area in Tasmania to host one of these refilling stations. The refilling station is a win-win for health and the environment. It helps people stay hydrated while engaging in their favorite activities and tackles the issue of single-use plastics.
10 playspaces now complete
On 19 December 2024, Council will officially open the final playground from the Playspace Renewal Program.
This $2 million project has seen 10 playspaces upgraded across the city. The co-funded initiative has developed modern and engaging recreational spaces in neighbourhoods from Collinsvale to Lutana.
The final playspace upgrade at Roseneath Reserve in Austins Ferry has been completed, marking the culmination of the two-year grant project.
Completed Playspaces:
- Collinsvale Playspace
- Alroy Court, Rosetta
- Chardonay Drive, Berriedale
- Chandos Drive Reserve, Berriedale
- Pitcairn Street Reserve, Montrose
- Barossa Road, Glenorchy
- Battersby Drive, Claremont
- Cooinda Park, West Moonah
- Lutana Woodlands, Lutana
- Roseneath Reserve, Austins Ferry
Glenorchy City Council Annual General Meeting
Council held its Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 2 December 2024. Several motions were put by community members and carried by the majority of electors present at the meeting. Motions related to several topics:
- Rates calculations and payment methods
- Disposal of public land
Council is required to consider motions that are passed at an AGM at the next Council meeting. Council considered the motions along with additional information provided by council staff.
Appointment of Elected Members to Vacant Committee Positions
Council made the following appointments to fill vacancies created by the passing of Cr Harry Quick and Ald. Jan Dunsby:
- Audit Panel – Ald. Peter Ridler
- Proxy membership to the Audit Panel – Ald. Tim Marks
- Chief Executive Officer’s Performance Review Committee – Ald. Steven King
- Glenorchy Planning Authority – Ald. Tim Marks
- Access and Inclusion Committee – Ald. Tim Marks
- Safer City Working Group – Ald. Shane Alderton
2025/26 Priority Prospectus and State Budget Submission
Council endorsed a Priority Projects Prospectus to assist in advocacy efforts and a submission to the 2025/26 State Government budget process.
The key financial asks across both documents are:
- Glenorchy War Memorial Pool Redevelopment – $83.8 million
- Tolosa Park Stage B – $9 million
- Humphreys Rivulet Path – $17.5 million
- Glenorchy Youth Hub – $1.3 million over three years
Explore potential housing developments in Glenorchy’s CBDs without sacrificing public car parking
Council received a report that explored the potential for the development of more housing in the City’s CBD areas without sacrificing public car parking. Council approved the Chief Executive Officer to enter into discussions with Housing Providers to explore interest levels to construct housing in airspace above Council owned properties and requested that an update report be brought to the July 2025 Council meeting.
Business Updates
A monthly financial performance update for November was also provided which keeps Council up to date with regular high level financial information. Council also endorsed a variation to the 2024/25 budget to provide for a significant uplift in the city cleaning program.
You can view the full agenda and minutes on Council’s website, via this link https://www.gcc.tas.gov.au/council/council-meetings/minutes-and-agendas/