Child Safety in Clubs, Organisations & Associations

From 1 July 2024, clubs, associations, or cadet organisations that have a significant membership of, or involvement by, children is expected to comply with the Child and Youth Safe Organisations Act 2023 (the “Act”). This includes regular hirers of Glenorchy City Council facilities. This new Legislation might have an impact on your activities, and we would would like to provide you with information to help you navigate these changes.

The Act

The Actis in place because of growing community concern about child safety, highlighted by the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse. These are the key points highlighted in the legislation:

  • 10 new child and youth safe standards – see the Department of Justice website for more information
  • A new State Independent Regulator’s Office
  • Mandatory notification obligations (within 3 business days) if there is “Reportable conduct”.

This can include allegations of emotional harm, neglect, physical violence, sexual misconduct, certain social media misuse, inappropriate behaviour and physical contact, voyeurism and grooming.

You will have reporting responsibilities for the conduct of your workers, volunteers and other officials.

  • There is a focus on cultural safety for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children.
  • You may need new policies and procedures, including clear complaints processes.
  • Detailed screening checks and induction processes for employees and any volunteers if they are likely to have direct engagement with children.

What is Council’s part?

The new legislation also requires Glenorchy City Council to align with these changes by updating processes, implement staff training, improving screening procedures, developing new policies & procedures and operating an internal child safety working group, while monitoring compliance and quality improvement across all Council activities. Council is currently preparing the Safeguarding Children and Young People Policy and Statement of Commitment to Child and Youth Safety. Glenorchy City Council is a participant of the National Redress Scheme, while Glenorchy City Council’s Childcare centres already meet the National Child Safety Standards.

What is your part?

You are required to engage your key workers, review your training and education to ensure that your workers can help community members discuss child safety concerns in a confidential environment.

A recent survey conducted by Council shows that children and young people in Glenorchy are most likely to ask a trusted adult for information, so the leaders of your organisation have an important role to play in providing a safe environment for children and youth and providing information to families and carers.

Is there help in understanding what is required?

This might seem like a lot of work, but you can ask for help.

  • Contact Police to report concerns of criminal behaviour on 131 444.
  • For information about reporting historical child abuse visit the Australian Government’s Child Safety website.
  • If you or someone reporting child safety concerns is distressed, contact a crisis support service such as Lifeline (13 11 14) or Kids Helpline (1800 55 1800).

Should you have any questions in relation to the above notification, please contact The Department of Education, Children and Young People: 1800 816 057

What resources are available?

The State Government has provided further information and information:

The main updates for the public are:

  • Child and Youth Safety Community Consultation held Nov 2023, report and fact sheets available here:,
  • Internal working group formed with representatives from across Council, working together to meet Council’s obligations under the Child and Youth Safe Organisations Act (2023),
  • Glenorchy City Council is participating in a statewide network of local governments convened by the Local Government Association of Tasmania,
  • Safeguarding Children and Young People Policy and Statement of Commitment to Child and Youth Safety are being prepared for Council.