Community Yarns

A photo of Glenorchy Pool, the stands and shade sails at dusk

Council held a Community Yarn on Tuesday 17 October at the Moonah Arts Centre. 63 community members attended. Former Mayor Bec Thomas provided a brief overview of recent Council projects completed and current projects underway, including the Montrose Bay Skate Park, Glenorchy Mountain Bike Park upgrades, Tolosa Dam reintegration, footpath, road and stormwater upgrades and Glenorchy Pool.

Q&A Session

A Q&A session was held on the Glenorchy Pool. Council’s General Manager Tony McMullen and Director Infrastructure and Development Emilio Reale provided information during the session (as well as an external pool consultant).The following elected members attended to hear from community members

  • Ald Stuart Slade
  • Ald Steven King
  • Cr Molly Kendall
  • Cr Harry Quick
  • Ald Jan Dunsby
  • Ald Russell Yaxley
  • Ald Shane Alderton