The Glenorchy Planning Authority’s purpose is to consider and make decisions about land use and planning matters on behalf of the Council. Unlike some other Councils, planning decisions are not considered at meetings of the Council, but are instead delegated to the Glenorchy Planning Authority.
Matters considered by the Glenorchy Planning Authority include whether to approve development applications submitted to the Council. It also considers various other matters under the Land Use Planning and Approvals Act 1993 and other State legislation.
Some planning applications are able to be decided by planning officers without being considered by the Glenorchy Planning Authority. You can find lists of planning decisions made under delegated authority here.
Public Attendance and Bookings
The Glenorchy Planning Authority meets once a month on Mondays at 3:30 pm. Members of the public are welcome to attend Planning Authority meetings. We ask that anyone attending in person arrives at least 15 minutes before the meeting starts.
All Planning Authority meetings are streamed live on Glenorchy City Council’s Facebook page, YouTube Channel and on our website (Watch Live page). You don’t need a Facebook or YouTube account to watch the live streams.
Minutes and Agendas
Minutes and agendas of meetings of the Glenorchy Planning Authority are available on our Minutes and Agendas page.
Who sits on the Glenorchy Planning Authority?
The Glenorchy Planning Authority Committee is made up of the following Council Aldermen:
- Mayor Sue Hickey (Chair)
- Deputy Mayor Russell Yaxley
- Alderman Steven King
- Alderman Josh Cockshutt
- Alderman Tim Marks
Meeting Dates
You can view the dates of all upcoming meetings of the Glenorchy Planning Authority here.
Meeting dates are normally set in November or December for the following year.
Addressing the Planning Authority about an application
Though not required under the meeting regulations, the Glenorchy Planning Authority generally gives applicants or people who have lodged formal representations the opportunity to address the meeting at which the application is being considered.
Applicants and representors will receive a formal invitation to attend the meeting and will be given first preference to attend the meeting in-person. Any remaining public seats will be released after the close of RSVPs.