
Annual General Meeting

The 2023/24 Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Glenorchy City Council will be held at Glenorchy City Council Chambers, 374 Main Road, Glenorchy on Monday, 2 December 2024 at 6.00pm.  Members of the public are invited to attend.

Council’s 2023/2024 Annual Report will be presented at the AGM.  Members of the public may lodge submissions on the report for discussion at the AGM.  You can view the Annual Report here, or obtain a copy from Council’s Customer Service Centre in Council Chambers. You may also submit written notice of any motions and/or questions to be put at the AGM.

Submissions, motions/questions will be accepted until 12 noon on Tuesday, 26 November 2024, and can be sent to or addressed to:

Chief Executive Officer, PO Box 103, Glenorchy, 7010.

Past Annual Reports are available here.

Council Meetings

Glenorchy City Council meets on the last Monday of each month unless this clashes with a public holiday. Meetings are held at Council’s chambers in Main Road, Glenorchy and start at 3:30pm. Members of the public are welcome to attend Council meetings.

We ask that anyone attending in-person arrives at least 15 minutes before the meeting starts.

All Council meetings are also streamed live on Glenorchy City Council’s Facebook page, YouTube Channel and on our website (Watch Live page). You don’t need a Facebook or YouTube account to watch the live streams.

Meeting Dates

You can view the dates of all upcoming meetings of Council and the Glenorchy Planning Authority here.

Meeting dates are normally set by Council in November or December for the following year.

Agendas, Minutes and Reports to Council

You can view copies of meeting agendas and the associated reports to Council for upcoming and past meetings online on our Minutes and Agendas page.

Agendas and reports are available at least four days before an ordinary meeting of Council

Meeting minutes are usually available one week after a meeting but are subject to confirmation at the next ordinary meeting of the Council.

Hard copies of minutes and agendas are also available free of charge from Council’s Customer Service Centre.

Meeting Procedures

Meetings of Council are governed by the procedures set out in Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015.

Council has a Meeting Procedures Policy which fills in the procedural gaps that the Regulations don’t cover.

You can find further information about meeting procedures on our Council Meeting FAQs page.

Public Question Time

15 minutes is allocated near the beginning of each ordinary Council meeting for members of the public to ask questions of Council.

Questions can be asked for public question time by presenting them in writing to Council at least seven (7) days before an ordinary Council meeting, using the link below. If your questions are received after the cut-off, they will be held-over until the next meeting.

The meeting Chair may also accept questions without notice from members of the public in attendance at the meeting, at their discretion if there is any time remaining after written questions have been answered.

To submit a question, you can email it to

Live meetings and video/audio recordings

All Council and Glenorchy Planning Authority meetings are streamed live on Glenorchy City Council’s Facebook page, YouTube Channel and on our website (Watch Live page). You don’t need a Facebook or YouTube account to watch the live streams

You can access the video and audio recordings of past meetings and get links to the live streams of future meetings on our Minutes and Agendas page, or Glenorchy City Council’s YouTube Channel (for meetings after March 2020).

You can also access indexed lists of video and audio recordings of Council meetings back to 2016 by clicking here (external link)