An Iconic Parkland for Glenorchy and Southern Tasmania

Glenorchy City Council is seeking funding to help transform the former Tolosa Reservoir into an iconic parkland space.
A Master Plan has been developed for the area, using extensive feedback from the Glenorchy Community.
The Master Plan will be carried out in 2 Stages, Stage A and Stage B.
Stage A will see the 20-metre-high dam wall partially demolished, with fill from the wall and other sites around Hobart used to create an open parkland with completed earthworks, levelled, usable areas, water features, established grassed areas and the formation of future walking trails.
Stage B, for which Council is seeking funding, will see the open area created in Stage A transformed into an iconic, recreational parkland and space for events. Stage B will see a network of paved walking trails created, and the installation shelters, picnic and BBQ facilities, boardwalks and play equipment, with and connectivity to trails and other facilities in the Tolosa region, all within 5 minutes drive of the Glenorchy CBD.
View the Tolosa Master Plan, Stage B below:

Investment / Funding Required
Stage A of the Master Plan, which will create the broad area of open space is being jointly funded by Council and TasWater. TasWater will hand the area over to Glenorchy City Council once the Stage A works are finished for Council to work on Stage B.
To complete Stage B as a single project rather than incrementally over multiple years, Glenorchy City Council requires funding of $13 million. Council has approached both major political parties and all Tasmanian Senate and House of Representative Candidates for Clark seeking their commitment to funding this important project for Glenorchy, Greater Hobart and Southern Tasmania.