The Greater Glenorchy Plan was adopted by Council on 22 February 2021
At its February 2021 meeting, Council endorsed the Greater Glenorchy Plan, which includes precinct plans for Glenorchy, Moonah and Claremont CBDs.
The Greater Glenorchy Plan was created following last year’s community campaign, Beyond the Curtain, which involved interviewing residents to describe identities of the three CBDs.
The Greater Glenorchy Plan translates the findings of the campaign into a vision and precinct plan for each CBD in 2040. Each precinct plan seeks to create places for people that feel welcoming and reflect who we are; provide connections for pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles; support job creation, economic growth and increased density; and promote a greener Glenorchy and innovative design.
GGP in the media: March 2021 interview with The Urban Developer (watch below)
What could our city look like in 2040 under the Greater Glenorchy Plan?
See our artists’ impressions, below:

Glenorchy Central in 2040 (artist’s impression)

Albert Road, Moonah in 2040

The Claremont Village Green in 2040 (artist’s impression)

Barry Street, Glenorchy in 2040 (artist’s impression)

2040 Moonah Car Park (artist’s impression)