The Valuer-General has recently conducted a fresh valuation for the Glenorchy municipality.
Notices of Valuation are issued in May 2024 and valuations become effective for rating and taxing purposes from the 1 July 2024. The Valuer-General looks at:
Land Value – the value of the property including draining, excavation, filling, reclamation, clearing and any other invisible improvements made to the land. It excludes all visible improvements, such as buildings, structures, fixtures, roads, standings, dams, channels, artificially established trees and pastures and other like improvements.
Capital Value – the total value of the property (including the land value), excluding plant and
Assessed Annual Value (AAV) – the gross annual rental value of the property excluding GST, municipal rates, land tax and fixed water and sewerage, but cannot be less than 4% of the capital value.
A Valuation Notice is NOT a Council Rates Notice.
If you disagree with your valuations, you can lodge a formal objection with the Valuer-General within 60 days after receipt of a Notice of Valuation.
For more information regarding the revaluation of the Glenorchy municipality, please click this link or head to the NRE website.