Long Term Future of the Glenorchy War Memorial Pool


The MI Global Insights Report is released

This report clearly shows that community want a pool to stay on that site. MI Global Partners are now doing a detailed assessment of the three shortlisted options, listed inside the report.

The detailed assessment includes functional briefs and concept development; capital and whole of life costs; detailed demand; and financial and economic modelling for each option.

MI Global Insights Report

Options Assessment

An Options Assessment will be presented to stakeholders during June/July 2024.

Stakeholders will include Elected Members, an in person public insights session and 2 or 3 online workshops with key stakeholders.

These key stakeholders will include groups of pool advocates, neighbours and schools.

These workshops will be held with individual groups (as opposed to everyone at the same time).

MI Global Partners will consider feedback and publish an Options Assessment for review and comment.


Present to Glenorchy City Council

MI Global Partners will present to Council for a decision on a preferred option.

This may be one of the shortlisted options or a hybrid solution based on cost and demand.

Glenorchy City Council will choose an option.



Glenorchy City Council will move forward with a detailed concept design, cost planning and modelling of the chosen option for the future of Glenorchy War Memorial Pool.


MI Global Partners to submit final report

A final report will be submitted to Glenorchy City Council for comment.

The report will be submitted to the public in August 2024.