The Glenorchy City Council’s Natural Areas Engagement Program is dedicated to creating opportunities for community involvement in preserving and enriching our local natural areas within Council-managed reserves.

This program actively supports various groups in undertaking a diverse array of tasks and activities. From habitat restoration and weed removal to engaging ‘walk & talks’ focusing on flora, fauna, and heritage, as well as flora/fauna monitoring, workshops, and clean-ups, there’s something for everyone to contribute.
By volunteering in our natural areas, you not only gain valuable knowledge about the local flora, fauna, and cultural heritage but also play a vital role in the effective management of our reserves. It’s an opportunity to foster community pride, strengthen our local sense of place, and forge meaningful social connections. As you engage in these activities, you’ll keep fit and active, collaborate within a team environment, and even have a voice in decision-making processes.
Join us and be part of the positive change happening in our community. Together, we can make a lasting impact on the preservation and enhancement of our precious natural areas. Get involved today by contacting our customer service team or attending one of our upcoming events. Keep reading to find out more about our currently operating groups.
Brent St Reserve Landcare volunteer in the Council reserve found on the corner of Brent St and Jameson St. The group was formed in January 2023 by local residents, who appreciated the natural beauty but also noticed the weeds creeping in.
Brent St Landcare has been tackling the understory of weeds in this reserve from boneseed to agapanthus and black berry. We plan to then plant the areas cleared of weeds with native plants to enhance the values, creating habitat and food for native animals who rely on these inner-suburban nature corridors to survive.
Typical Tasks: Weeding, tree planting, reserve maintenance, litter picking, gardening, tree maintenance.
Meets: The first Saturday of each month, 2pm – 4pm. Please let us know if you are planning on coming along.
Claremont Coastcare was recently formed by a group of passionate locals looking to protect and enhance the coastline in Claremont, from Cadbury to MONA and everything in-between. The important saltmarsh habitat in this area is important for wildlife, leisure and even for fighting climate change so it is worth looking after.
Typical Tasks: Tree planting, weeding, track maintenance, reserve maintenance.
Meets: The first Saturday morning of every month. Please get in touch to find out about the next event.
Friends of Collinsvale was formed to protect and enhance the natural values at Collinsvale Recreation reserve and surrounding areas. Working with Glenorchy City Council, Collinsvale Primary School, and Landcare Tasmania, they focus on weed removal, education and track work.
Typical Tasks: Track maintenance, reserve maintenance, re-vegetation, invasive species management, community engagement and environmental education.
Meets: Periodically, on Sundays. Please get in touch via the group’s Facebook to find out when the next meeting is.
The Friends of Wellington Park have been meeting up to maintain and enhance the native vegetation of Wellington Park and some council reserves just east of the park since 2002. Focusing on invasive weed control and track maintenance, they work throughout the park, which is 18 250ha in size, but mainly on the eastern side. Within the Glenorchy City Council area, they have weeded near Montrose Trail, Goat Hills, Mt Hull, Humphreys Rivulet/Tolosa and Barossa Creek/Kalang and worked on the walking track over Mt Connection.
Along with Glenorchy City Council, the Friends of Wellington Park work closely with Hobart city council, the Wellington Park Management Trust and the Parks and Wildlife Service. These organisations provide training and support, including some on-ground support.
Typical Tasks: Invasive species removal, track maintenance
Meets: The first Tuesday of every month. Please get in touch to find out about the next event.
Grassroots Action Network Does Awesome Landcare Fun (GANDALF) aims to engage active community minded southerners with the wider world of Landcare across the state. By helping communities from wide backgrounds, we hope to help connect the diversity of people in our state together with a shared aim of a greener future.
Typical Tasks: Weeding, revegetation planting, tree planting, nest box construction, track maintenance, reserve maintenance, wildlife surveying/monitoring
Meets: Periodically, weekdays and weekends. Please get in touch to find out when the next session is.
Goodwood Gardeners formed in 2022, to increase the number of trees, gardens and greenery in Goodwood and look after the foreshore of Prince of Wales Bay.
Typical Tasks: Weeding, tree planting, reserve maintenance, litter picking, gardening, tree maintenance.
Meets: Periodically, on Sundays. Please get in touch with Council’s Natural Areas Engagement Officer (6216 6800) to find out when the next session is.
Lutana Woodlands Reserve is small, but this does not mean it isn’t mighty. There are threatened species found here including Spreading knawel (Scleranthus fasciculatus), Narrowleaf new-holland-daisy (Vittadinia muelleri), and kangaroo grass grassland. This native grassland meets all but one threshold to be listed as endangered and therefore protected. This is the goal of the Lutana Woodlands group, established in 2018. The group of volunteers here are amongst our most dedicated and would love to have you along.
Typical Tasks: Revegetation planting, woody weed removal, exotic grass control, native tree thinning, and biodiversity monitoring.
Meets: The Wednesday Weeders meet every second and fourth Wednesday of the month, from 1:30pm – 3:00pm in the afternoon. The group also meets periodically on weekends. Please get in touch to find out when the next session is.
Moonah Nature Mates are a group of young NRM professionals aiming to enhance, advocate for and increase biodiversity in Moonah’s green spaces. The focus for the group is re-vegetation and reserve management primarily in Jim Bacon Reserve, Amy St Reserve and Gerrard St Reserve.
Tasks: Grassland management, woodland management, threatened species conservation, re-vegetation, weeding, tree-thinning, invasive species control
Meets: Periodically please get in touch to find out when the next meeting is.
UTAS Landcare is a group of environmental warriors affiliated with UTAS. This group is a roving group, volunteering for conservation all around Tasmania, including within the Glenorchy municipality.
Typical Tasks: Weeding, revegetation planting, tree planting, nest box construction, track maintenance, reserve maintenance, wildlife surveying/monitoring
Meets: Periodically, weekdays and weekends. Please get in touch to find out when the next session is.