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The items that appear on your rates bill are:
General rates
General rates pay for a range of services and activities such as maintaining roads, footpaths and kerbs, maintaining parks and gardens, managing weeds and vegetation and running community halls and community activities.
General rates are charged for all properties in the municipality, except for some which are exempt under State law.
Council has levied separate ‘cents in the dollar’ rates for residential and non-residential properties.
Waste service charges
The waste service charges pay for managing kerbside waste, recycling and FOGO services. The Tasmanian government has introduced a statewide waste levy. Council charges include a contribution to this levy.
Fire levy
The fire levy is a charge that we collect on behalf of the Tasmanian Government to help fund the Tasmanian Fire Service and its activities.
All properties within the Glenorchy municipal area are valued by the Valuer-General in accordance with the Valuation of Land Act 2001 (the Act) to determine the land value, capital value and assessed annual value.
- Assessed annual value (AAV) is the estimated yearly rental value of the property.
- Land value is the value of the property excluding all visible improvements such as buildings, structure and fixtures.
- Capital value is the total value of the property, including the land value.
The Valuer-General undertakes a revaluation of each property every six years. Every two years in between, the Valuer-General indexes the valuations to reflect market conditions and keep the valuations reasonably up to date.
The value that is directly relevant to your rates is the AAV or the estimated yearly rental value of your property (net of GST, tax and rates).
Rates calculations
Council sets a General Rate and a minimum amount payable in accordance with Section 90 of the Act. Council applies a variation to the general rate for non-residential properties under Section 107 of the Act. This variation is based on the predominant use of the property as indicated by the land use classification of the Valuer-General.
To determine your general rate, we multiply the AAV by a rate of ‘cents in the dollar’.
The cents in the dollar is reached by dividing the rating income that we require to deliver our services (determined by the Glenorchy City Council budget) by the total of all AAVs in each of the differential rating categories.
The State Fire Levy and State Waste Levy are collected for the State Government by Council and are shown separately on your rates notice. The Waste Management Charges for garbage, recycling and food & organics bin collection are also shown separately on your rates notice.
General rates and charges
The rates and charges in your rates notice do not include any GST.
Property values
The Valuer-General maintains municipal valuation lists used for local government rates and tax
A property is valued when:
- a new building has been built
- an existing building has been changed
- an addition to the property, such as a swimming pool or fence
- land boundaries are changed
- for local government rates and tax
- when properties are joined or separated
- every two years.
If you disagree with a valuation provided by the Valuer-General or you’d like to discuss other information on your Notice of Valuation, visit Land Tasmania’s Notice of Valuation website.
We offer reductions on rates to eligible residents and properties.
Pensioner rates discounts
The pensioner discount might be as much as 30% of your rates.
The claim the discount, your property must be your main home and you are legally responsible for the rates (that is, you can’t claim the discount if the house is in someone else’s name).
To be eligible for a discount, you need one of these valid cards on 1 July of the current year:
- Centrelink or Department of Veterans’ Affairs Pensioner Concession Card
- Centrelink Health Care Card
- Repatriation Health Card ‘Gold Card’, endorsed War Widow/Widower or Total or Permanent Injury (TPI).
Please note: an Australian Government Seniors Health Card does not qualify the holder for a rates remission.
To apply, come to our service desk at 374 Main Road, Glenorchy, fill in an Application for Pensioner Discount form at Council Chambers and show your card.
General rates exemptions
We also offer general rates exemptions for properties used for charitable purposes.
If your organisation is eligible for a general rates exemption, please let us know by completing a Charitable Rates Exemption form (PDF).
You can submit your form via:
- email to gccmail@gcc.tas.gov.au
- in person at our Customer Service Centre at Council Chambers, 374 Main Road, Glenorchy
- posting to Glenorchy City Council, PO Box 103, Glenorchy TAS 7010.
If your details change, please let us know as soon as possible.
Please note: we cannot change your details over the phone.
The financial hardship policy applies if you are genuinely unable to pay your rates for your main place of residence, or commercial or industrial properties.
If you would like to apply for consideration of Financial Hardship, please complete the Financial Hardship form (PDF).
You can submit your form via:
- email to gccmail@gcc.tas.gov.au
- in person at our Customer Service Centre at Council Chambers, 374 Main Road, Glenorchy
- posting to Glenorchy City Council, PO Box 103, Glenorchy TAS 7010.
If your details change, please let us know as soon as possible.
Please note: we cannot change your details over the phone.
Rates can be paid in four instalments. The due dates for these are:
- Instalment one: 15 August 2024
- Instalment two: 1 November 2024
- Instalment three: 1 February 2025
- Instalment four: 1 May 2025
How to pay
You can pay your rates by using:
- BPay (phone or online)
- BPoint (phone or online by credit card)
- Mail (by cheque)
- In person at Council’s chambers
- Centrepay
- Australia Post
- Direct debit.
Detailed information about how to make payments by the above methods is written on the back of your rates notice.
Get your rates notice by email
Glenorchy City Council encourages our ratepayers to help the environment and go green by signing up to get your rates notices delivered by email.
Application for Rates Payment Arrangement Form
You can find our Application for Rates Payment Arrangement Form here.
Click our Sign Up link to add your email address.
If your current postal address is different from the address shown on the front of your rates notice, please let us know by completing a change of address form (PDF).
You can submit the form via:
- email gccmail@gcc.tas.gov.au
- in person at our Customer Service Centre at Council Chambers, 374 Main Road, Glenorchy
- post to Glenorchy City Council, PO Box 103, Glenorchy TAS 7010.
Authority to act
A current property owner can authorise another person or organisation (e.g a real estate company) to enquire and act on their behalf. Please complete an Authority to Act form (PDF)
You can submit the form via:
- email gccmail@gcc.tas.gov.au
- in person at our Customer Service Centre at Council Chambers, 374 Main Road, Glenorchy
- post to Glenorchy City Council, PO Box 103, Glenorchy TAS 7010.
In the case of death
Please forward any documentation to gccmail@gcc.tas.gov.au or contact Customer Service on 03 6216 6800. Please note: we must receive official notification from Lands Titles Office to make any change to property ownership.
Changing ownership details
The current property owner is responsible for the rates debt.
When properties are bought or sold, we receive official notification from the Lands Titles Office and update property ownership records based on this information.
Please note: we cannot accept change of ownership details from the new owner.