Landslide Area
There are two declared areas within the municipality of Glenorchy with a ‘high landslip hazard’ banding that Council monitors, the Rosetta Landslip and the Casuarina Landslip. Find more information on hazard bands here.
As part of Council’s management responsibilities, we monitor the conditions in these two areas and produce a quarterly report. Council is also part of the Landslip Management Working Group which includes Glenorchy City Council, Tasmania Parks and Wildlife Service – Property Services, TasWater and Mineral Resources Tasmania.
What is a landslide hazard?
A landslide hazard is a source of potential harm resulting from the downslope movement of a mass of rock, debris, or earth. Landslides include falls, topples, slides, flows, and spreads.
Living or developing in a landslide area
If you own a property or are thinking about developing land within declared landslide areas, you should be aware of what you can and cannot do on your property – speak to a planner
You can check if your property is in a landslip area here
Landslip area monitoring
Council may conduct a range of activities as part of its monitoring regime including surveys and measuring groundwater.
Quarterly Monitoring Reports
For reports prior to 2021 please contact Council to request a copy.
Aerial images and maps
Rosetta Landslip- Hone Road, Officer Street and Crosby Road

Casuarina Landslip Casuarina Crescent Berriedale (photography 2013

For any further enquiries about landslide areas (not related to development) please contact the Infrastructure team at Council on 6216 6800.