Our youth programs and services:
- have a focus on supporting youth participation
- work collaboratively with service providers, other levels of Government and the broader community to make sure that young people have access to a range of programs and services to develop their full potential
- bring together groups of potential partners, assist groups to gain resources and offer specific expertise on program design and development.
Child and Youth Safety Community Survey – Report and Fact Sheets
In November 2023, Glenorchy City Council held a community engagement survey with two main aims:
- To inform and involve community in the development of Council’s response to the Child and Youth Safe Organisations Act (2023)
- To consult community about the needs of children and young people in our community and understand how community members view Council’s role in supporting young people.
178 people participated in the survey, either through Let’s Talk, Glenorchy or at one of our community pop-ups. The full report and fact sheets are now available – click on the image to download.
Full Gear Motorcycle Safety Program

Full Gear is a motorcycle safety program for young people aged between 16 and 24. The program aims to reduce risk-taking behaviours on the road, increase licensed motorcycle riders, improve attitudes to road safety and educate the community. The program is a partnership between Glenorchy City Council and Bucaan Community House, with funding from the Department of State Growth’s Road Safety Advisory Council. The Learner’s (L’s) program is funded until 2025, and the Provisional (P’s) program is currently funded for a 1-year pilot in 2022.
The Full Gear program is co-designed with the young people that join each course, meaning that the young people have more say in how the sessions are delivered. The program is supported by Legal Aid and the Motorcycle Riders Association.
The L’s program offers young people 6 ‘classroom style’ lessons with an experienced facilitator, $400 worth of safety gear and course fees (fully covered) for the pre-learner’s course at AJL training.
The P’s pilot program offers young people 3 ‘classroom style’ lessons, $400 worth of safety gear and course fees (fully covered) for the pre-provisional course at AJL training. In addition, young people will have the opportunity to learn how to perform a basic safety check on their own road-legal motorcycle with a qualified motorcycle mechanic. In November 2022, participants in the P’s program will have the chance to receive ‘pro tips’ from experienced motorcycle riders at a track day at Baskerville Raceway.
The program has allowed many young people to extend their passion for riding in bush onto the road. Many young people have gained employment through obtaining their license. Attitudes to road safety have improved with 100% of participants reporting that the course had a positive impact on their attitude.
To find out more about Full Gear, or about upcoming courses, contact the Community Development team on (03) 6216 6800 or gccmail@gcc.tas.gov.au
Thrive to 25
Thrive to 25 is an interagency network involving representatives from schools, early childhood and education programs, government and non-government service providers that work with children, young people and families in and around the City of Glenorchy. Formerly the Glenorchy Action Interagency Network (GAIN) and Youth Action Network (YANG), the group meets monthly and is convened by council’s Children, Youth and Families officer.
Membership has grown to more than 60 organisations – working together to ensure effective responses to the needs and issues of young people and youth service providers in the City of Glenorchy.

Thrive to 25 has five key objectives in making lives better for children, youth and families in Glenorchy:
- To identify gaps in service provision
- To exchange information on current issues impacting children and young people in Glenorchy
- To work collaboratively on strategies to address issues
- To identify sources of funding to meet identified service gaps
- To ensure a coordinated approach to the development and provision of services in Glenorchy involving children, youth and families