Glenorchy City Council is committed to hearing from our community about issues that affect them. Council does this in planned ways throughout the year, such as Community Yarns, pop-ups, reference groups, our online engagement platform and meetings with groups and individuals.
Council also acknowledges that it’s important for the community to hear from us. Council is committed to keeping the community informed on Council decisions, news, opportunities to be involved and how we are delivering the projects and infrastructure that supports our communities. We do this through Council’s website, social media, posters and flyers and local media like the Glenorchy Gazette.

Community Pop-Ups – A casual opportunity to chat with Elected Members and Council staff in and around Glenorchy.
Community Yarns – A structured gathering for residents, community groups and businesses to discuss main priorities for their communities.
Let’s Talk, Glenorchy – An online space for community members to share ideas, discuss important topics and provide feedback on Council’s plans. Sign up HERE.
Reference Groups – Contribute to specific issues across the municipality.
Find out more about upcoming engagement opportunities here
Community Engagement Framework
In 2022/23 we asked the community how Glenorchy City Council should engage with them. We heard from over 1,000 people across our community at events, markets, and pop-ups and via online and paper surveys.
This feedback has informed our Community Engagement Framework.
The Framework details how and why Council engages and is our commitment to the community that we will continue to build a culture of engagement both within Council and in the community.
The Framework includes the following four documents:
- Community Engagement Policy – this provides direction and outlines the guiding principles for community engagement
- Community Engagement Guide – this guides Council staff and community on when and how they should engage with the community and stakeholders under different circumstances
- Community Engagement Procedure and Toolkit – this includes staff guidelines and resources on and when they should use different methods in delivering community engagement activities, and
- Community Engagement Brochure – this contains information for the community on Council’s community engagement processes and how they can get involved