Pre-application advice
We offer a service to determine whether your proposal requires a planning permit. This is called either a ‘No Planning Approval Required’ or a ‘No Permit Required’ certification. To apply, complete an application form (PDF) and submit the form with your proposal plans and a current copy of the title to and pay the fee.
If you do need to get a planning permit you need to demonstrate how you are meeting the objectives of the Planning Scheme. You can prepare your planning permit application using the applications checklist (PDF).
Submit your application
To apply for a planning permit you need to complete and submit:
- an application form (PDF)
- your proposal plans
- a current copy of the title.
You can email to along with the permit fees, which are listed in the planning services section of the Schedule of Fees and Charges (PDF).
If the proposal requires use of Council land you must include consent from the General Manager. You can contact our Property Services team to request consent.
If the proposal requires use of Crown land you must include consent from the Minister responsible for the administration of the Crown Land. The Department of State Growth has more information on how to make a request and a form you will need to use to gain Crown land consent. If the consent is given by a delegate of the Minister, you will need to provide a copy of the delegation.
Detailed Assessment
The time assessment takes varies depending on the size and complexity of the project.
Assessment against the planning scheme provisions must be made. This is done by referring your application to a Development Engineer, Transport Engineer, Heritage Officer, Environmental Health Officer and Environmental Planner.
Additional information may be requested if the application submission does not satisfactorily address the planning scheme provisions. Once the request is provided to the satisfaction of the Council, the assessment will progress
Advertising your application
Your discretionary planning application will be advertised in The Mercury, with notices published Tuesdays and/or Fridays.
The relevant plans can also be viewed at Council Chambers – 374 Main Road, Glenorchy or on our planning applications page.
Planning ApplicationsMake a comment or objection
If you want to make a comment about a planning permit application, you can lodge a representation, which can be an objection or support.
Your representation must be in writing and we need to receive it before the end of the 14 day advertising period for the application.
What happens once a representation is received?
If a representation is received, the application is generally decided by the Glenorchy Planning Authority.
If you lodge a representation, you will receive a letter confirming it was received. The letter will include the contact details of the planner dealing with the application. You can contact the planner to find out which meeting the application will be considered at or view the Glenorchy Planning Authority Agenda and meeting dates.
The Glenorchy Planning Authority is required to consider every representation before making its decision.
Planning Authority decision
The Glenorchy Planning Authority, which is made up of five Council Aldermen, has full authority to decide planning permit applications at its monthly meetings.
The panel reviews reports prepared by the planners that contain assessments of planning applications against the requirements of the relevant planning scheme. Each report makes a recommendation on whether to approve or refuse an application.
If the recommendation is for approval, conditions may be recommended. If the recommendation is for refusal, the reasons for refusal are included.
The Chair of the Glenorchy Planning Authority will usually invite any person present at the meeting to have their say about an application before it makes its decision on the application.
If you have made a representation, you will be notified in writing within seven days from the date the Glenorchy Planning Authority makes its decision.
Some applications are not required to be decided at the Planning Authority meetings and these applications are decided under delegation, with appeal rights maintained.
If you are not happy with the Glenorchy Planning Authority’s decision, you have a right to appeal a planning decision.
Appealing a planning decision
If you are not satisfied with our decision on a planning permit application you can appeal to the Resource Management and Planning Appeal Tribunal, which is an independent body.
Any applicant for a planning permit can appeal, but it needs to be within 14 days of receiving notice of the decision.
Planning appeal processRequest an amendment or an extension
You can request a minor change to your planning permit to amend approved plans or change a part of your permit.
You need to complete the Request for Amendment Application Form (PDF), include the owner’s consent (if relevant), and pay the fees.
It’s best to talk to a planning officer first to see if the proposed change can be considered. Please contact us to discuss.
You can ask the Council for an extension of the 2-year timeframe in which you need to begin a development or use, according to your permit.
The request must be in writing and made no later than 6 months from the date the permit lapsed.
We may grant 2 separate extensions of time to your permit. Each extension is for 2 years.
If, after 6 years from the date of the original approval of the permit (if both extensions have been granted), you have not commenced the development or use then the permit will lapse.
You will need to submit a new planning application if you still wish to carry out that development or use.
Please complete the Extension of Time Application form (PDF) and lodge it with the application fee.