Shopping Trolleys

The Public Places and Infrastructure By-Law (the By-Law) and Traffic Act 1925 regulates Council’s procedure in regards to abandoned shopping trollies which have been taken and left outside the bounds of shopping centre precincts. Shopping trollies outside of shopping precincts can create hazards for motorists and pedestrians, and end up in our precious waterways.

Retailers are required to have systems to collect trollies which have been removed from car parks and stores.

We encourage our community to report any shopping trollies located outside of shopping precincts around our City directly to the relevant retailer through the channels outlined below:

COLES OR 1800 876 553
BIG W & WOOLWORTHS OR 1800 641 497


If you are using a shopping trolley within one of Glenorchy’s shopping precincts, it is your responsibility to take all reasonable measures to keep your trolley within the shopping precinct.

Council has begun collecting abandoned trolleys that are left on Council land in an attempt to clear the streets, paths, waterways and reserves of these obstacles.


Trolleys found outside shopping precincts will be impounded at the Jackson Street Waste Management Centre. Council has the authority to impound abandoned articles left on Council property under the Tasmanian Traffic Act and the Public Places and Infrastructure By-Law.

Abandoned trolleys will be able to be collected from Council for a release fee. The trolleys will be impounded for a period of 30 days, and if not collected during this time they will be disposed of.


Shop owners providing shopping trollies to customers are required to take reasonable measures to keep shopping trollies within precincts. Trollies taken outside of shopping precincts must be collected within 24 hours and returned to avoid being collected by Council.

To claim a seized shopping trolley, phone Council on (03) 6216 6800.