Sport and Recreation Projects

Sport Projects

Sport and recreation infrastructure and programs play a critical role in maximising opportunities
for members of the community to be physically active, both formally and informally. With limited
resources available to local government to support these outcomes, strategies must be realistic and focus on maximised participation outcomes. These commitments are supported by other State, National and International strategies. With combined efforts from State Government funding and Glenorchy City Council Funding we are proud to advocate for our Community with some the following projects:


Summary of project: Additional changerooms and demolition and reconstruction of public amenities

Status: Commenced

Timeline: est. completion November 2024

Budget: $3.5m

Funding: Federal Government Package split between KGV and North Chigwell ($12.8m). State Government ($500k)

North Chigwell Soccer Hub

Summary of project: Construction of new changerooms, clubrooms and public amenities.

Status: Commenced

Timeline: Early 2025

Budget: $5m

Funding: Federal Government Package split between KGV and North Chigwell ($12.8m) and State Government ($500k).


Summary of project: Lighting upgrades and synthetic turf replacement.

Status: Complete

Timeline: September – December 2022

Budget: $1.6m

Funding: Federal Government Package split between KGV and North Chigwell ($12.8m) and State Government ($500k)

Recreation Projects

Did you know that there are approximately 44 playspaces across the City of Glenorchy?

This means an average of one playspace per 1090 residents. This is far above the average of one playspace per 1500 residents – as suggested by the recreation and leisure industry of Australia.

Our City’s play infrastructure has been well loved, and the majority of our playspaces are now in need of repair/replacement. Council recognises that the community is calling out for improved playspaces in our City – and we are working on providing playgrounds which can support and enrich our growing City.

Council’s Planning for Play 2041 Playspace Strategy strives to increase play opportunities throughout the municipality, and identifies playground works needed in the next two decades. These works comprise:

Tolosa Park

Summary of project: Transformation of the former Tolosa Reservoir site into an open parkland.

Status: Commenced

Timeline: est. completion July 2024

Budget: $6.2m

Funding: TasWater ($3.2m) and Glenorchy City Council ($3m)

Claremont Pump Track and Skate Ramp

Summary of project: Construction of a pump track and mini ramp/halfpipe at Windermere Reserve

Status: Community Engagement Completed

Timeline: 24/25 FY

Budget: $550k

Funding: State Government ($275k) and Glenorchy City Council ($275k)

10 Local Playspaces

Summary of project: Playspace renewals

  • Collinsvale Playspace
    • Completed 2023
  • Alroy Court, Rosetta
    • Completed 2024
  • International Peace Park, Berriedale
    • Completed 2024
  • Chandos Drive Reserve, Berriedale
    • Completed 2024
  • Pitcairn Street Reserve, Montrose
    • Completed 2024
  • Barossa Road, Glenorchy
    • Completed 2024
  • Battersby Drive, Claremont
    • Completed 2024
  • Roseneath Reserve, Austins Ferry
    • Approximate start: May 2024
    • Approximate finish: 24/25 financial year
    • To view the plan’s, please click (here)
  • Cooinda Park, West Moonah
    • Approximate start: June 2024
    • Approximate finish: 24/25 financial year
    • To view the plan’s, please click (here)
  • Lutana Woodlands, Lutana
    • Approximate start: July 2024
    • Approximate finish: 24/25 financial year

Status: Commenced

Timeline: 2023 – 2025

Budget: $2m

Funding: Federal Government ($1.5m) and Glenorchy City Council ($500k)

Benjafield Playspace

Summary of project: Playspace renewal

Status: Completed

Timeline: est. completion March 2024

Budget: $1.2m

Funding: Glenorchy City Council

Giblins Reserve

Summary of project: Development of a ‘destination playspace’.

Status: Completed

Timeline: est. completion Feb 2024

Budget: $3.4m

Funding: Federal Government ($2m) and Glenorchy City Council ($1.4m).

Montrose Skatepark

Summary of project: Design and construction of new skatepark including upgrading irrigation.

Status: Completed

Timeline: est. completion May 2024

Budget: $620k

Funding: Federal Government ($120k) and State Government ($500k)

Glenorchy Mountain Bike Park

Summary of project: Renewal and upgrade of all existing mountain bike trails in the Glenorchy Mountain Bike Park.

Status: Completed

Timeline: March 2023 – September 2023

Budget: $412k

Funding: Federal Government ($412k)